Wednesday 17 April 2019

MVC Folder Directory Struncture

Directory Structure:-

Some people for the fast-developing code doesn’t think about directory structure. but for the long project it will affect the project maintainability. There are lots of way to structure the application.

in this article we will learn how to create folder directory structure and what the meaning of folder.

In the directory structure, we will follow the following step: -

  1.  Open Visual Studio -> click new Project-> web application
  2.  Give the Application Name that you want
  3. Right Click Application-> Add Folder ‘App’
then you see the application contain the folder as show in below image

1.App_Data:- App_Data contains the data like .mdf ,Xml file and other data related files.
2. App_Start:- it contains the  class files like BundleConfig.cs, FilterConfig.cs, RouteConfig.cs etc.
     BundleConfig.cs contains the bundle of js and css , RouteConfig.cs contains the default path of the application.

2. Content:- content folder contains the file Likes CSS , icon, images etc. means related to the designing part.

3. Controller:- it the heart of the MVC application. Controller contains the class files. it is responsible for controlling the flow of application execution.

4. Model:- contains the class files that is used in the view.

5. Scripts:- it contains all the .Js Files

6. Views:- it contains the HTML files . it is the design part of the application

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